Hundreds of residents came out from across Pollards Hill and the wider Mitcham community to enjoy the free annual event.  Solely organised by the Pollards Hill Baptist Church (PHBC) for the first time, everyone was thrilled at the outcome.

In addition to the great summer weather, attendees enjoyed free food, drink, fun games and a myriad of activities, including karaoke, which featured for the first time.

Although PHBC took on the event single handedly this year – having worked with a number of community agencies last year – the familiar and loved activities such as areas covering, health and wellbeing, support and advice from local experts, as well as live music and entertainment still played a major part of the day.  Comments like:

“We had a wonderful day, I can’t believe it’s all free!”

“Will this happen every year? I hope so”

“We loved the whole day and the food was lovely.”

These was just some of the feedback received from many of those who participated in the day.

Supported by the London Borough of Merton, Co Op, National Trust, Croydon Plus and East Merton (NHS) Primary Care Network, the greatest comments on the day were the hopes that this will continue to be an annual event.

Members of the community expressed their appreciation for the event which is aimed at the entire family, and which enabled children, many of whom have only had this activity to look forward to throughout the long summer holidays, to come out and celebrate in a safe and fun packed environment.

Organisers are determined to make this occasion the premier annual event in the calendar for Pollards Hill Community.

As a community church we are determined to live up to our motto of ‘Sharing the Love of Jesus’ as well as play a vital and leading role in our community.  The Community Fun Day is rapidly becoming the foremost way of reaching out to all within Pollards Hill”, says Pastor Deji, PHBC’s Lead Pastor.

VENUE: Pollards Hill Recreation Ground, Recreation Way, Mitcham CR4 1XB

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